Sunday, November 23, 2008

Moss, moss, everywhere

It's been awhile... We actually have been on another hike in the meantime, but I've slacked off on the blog front. I was having Flickr issues. But I've finally sat down and wasted some of my quality time to set up a new account. I'm hoping that this will allow the photos I post to actually be links so the photos can be viewed in more detail. So, this is my test. Here's hoping it works!

Just thought I'd post a few pics which show why I picked my blog name. In the Olympic forest, moss permeates everything and turns the whole world green. Tree trunks, stones, even cars that get abandoned for too long will eventually be swallowed by the stuff.

PS - Okay, so that didn't work so well. I'll have to check with my brother-in-law about how he does it. But here's the link to my Flickr page in the meantime for more photo viewing pleasure!

1 comment:

Now we are four! said...

Way to keep up on the blog! Wasn't that moss just crazy?! It's like it was dripping of the trees! That was a fun little hike. We have to figure out a way to take the pictures with us in them! I love you my little hiking buddy!